Leopold is by far the best Public Speaker I know!

Jonathan Steingiesser, Head of Product Design at Omnipresent

Leopold Ajami has the unique skill to open your mind and truly think about the world in ways you couldn't imagine. With his combination of Philosophy, Design, Speaking Coaching, and Psychology, he is offering a unique method of thinking. He is by far the best Public Speaker I have come across and I can't wait to collaborate with him again!

Leopold's system is transformational!

Dave Moore / U.S Navy & Air Force Aviator, International Motivational Speaker & Author

“I’m an aviator, and a survivor of three plane crashes. But my voice would have never survived without Leopold Ajmi and his speaking philosophy. He showed me, step by step, how to craft my stories and motivate my audience. I paid thousands of dollars on speaking coaches, and no one ever transformed my influence and put me in high demand like Leopold.”

What will you get from your coaching?

You will get everything you need to turn your voice into a magnet for opportunities and successes. Your speaking skills will be your competitive advantage.

  • You’ll walk away with a Speech/Presentation/Pitch/Story you can use time and time again and you can get rewarded to present it. The coaching sessions should truly be a gift that keeps on giving.

  • Or, perhaps you want to work on developing a signature story or several stories that people remember, repeat, and that get you re-hired. You can walk away with those as well.

  • Or, perhaps you already have your content whether for a story or presentation, but it's not making the impact you need, or not selling! The coaching sessions will help you strategize and refine your talk .

  • Or, like most of my clients, you are a professional speaker preparing for your next big opportunity, like a TedX Talk. You want support in unpacking new ideas as well as crafting magnetic messages. These private coaching sessions should be your shortcut to owning the stage.

I'm fortunate to work with thought-leaders in:

American University of Sharjah
Dubai Design District
Moore motivation

I never go on stage before having Leopold coaching me.

Robert Begley / Certified Speaking Coach, Professional Speaker & Writer

“Whatever problem you are trying to solve, whether you need creativity, philosophy, communication, coaching, innovation, or even personal guidance — look no further than Leopold Ajami! I’ve known Leopold for about 3 years, and he keeps on amazing me. He has a high moral standard, passionate about communication and making a difference in people's lives, and I never go on stage before having him coaching me.”

Here are some results you can expect to receive in our session(s) together.

You choose your desired outcomes, and we put a plan accordingly.

  • Uncover your stories and insight that you may have forgotten but can make a difference.

  • Create customized keynote speeches on-demand.

  • Keep your audience hooked and hungry for more of your unforgettable stories.

  • Structure your presentations for impact and get re-hired.

  • Earn thousands of extra dollars per speech (even the free speeches) by mastering the SWAP Sales Formulas.

  • Make your audience laugh even if your story is dramatic or your pitch is serious.

  • Connect with your audience deeper that ever, and make them want to know YOU!

  • Master the science of Storytelling and the art of Story Transportation.

  • Master your Delivery and overcome stage fright so you can go from talking at people to create an experience that will elicit emotions and actions.

  • And much more!

I've gone from boring to engaging presentations!

Carrie-Ann Biondi, Ph.D. Philosophy Professor, Curriculum Developer

Leopold Ajami is both serious and playful to work with, which is a winning combination for me in learning how to improve my public presentation skills. He takes ideas seriously but knows how to use creativity to great effect in making complex material accessible to the layman. I've gone from having a boring style of academically reading a paper to creating engaging presentations that have an audience leaning forward in their seats and personally connecting to the material. I've still got lots to learn, but look forward to more advanced public speaking coaching support from Leopold to help me on my journey!

The Purpose of Private Coaching is To Make You More Independent.

The more you master the tools, the less you'd need your coach.

  • WhatsApp Support

    Got questions? You are not so sure about some of your ideas? You feel you need more elaboration? Whatever you need, you will get Weekly WhatsApp Support so you can progress quickly and efficiently.

  • Seed Vault

    If you are on a Monthly Retainer or you've taken more than 8 sessions, you will get Free Access to my Speakers "Inner Circle" where you will find training resources for all the tools, methods, and systems we use.

  • Group Training

    Few would admit this: One of the best ways to develop your speaking skills is to invest in your critical thinking. You get a Free Seat at our Group Training Webinars where you can engage with others, learn to unpack ideas, and practice the tools you are learning with your coach.

Thanks to your coaching, my story leads my business!

Brad E. Cooper / Founder & President Cooper Financial Investments

"I knew I had a solid story, but It was all over the place, and I didn't know how to use it in my business. Leopold helped me uncover deep insights to craft a purpose-driven story that connects with my audience. It's now the backbone of my work! Thank you for the phenomenal coaching!"